Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter weekend

Easter weekend Fred, Jenny, Kailyn, Carsyn and Luke came to visit us. We had a wonderful time! We didn't do too much. We mostly sat around visited, were entertained by the kids and watched movies. We were all packed for a picnic at Petit Jean and Carsyn came down with an earache. Jenny and I ended up at a clinic with him on Saturday. Thankfully the meds kicked in soon and he felt better by Easter Sunday. We had an Easter egg hunt on Sunday after church and then came home and had a photo shoot. These are a conglomeration of my pictures and Jenny's pictures. We miss you guys! Come back soon!
With our niece and nephews

Jenny and Kailyn

Kailyn looking for Easter eggs

Carsyn with his basket full

Me and Jenny

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy 30th Birthday to Me!

It's so hard to believe that I'm 30! I don't know what I thought I would feel like at 30, but I still feel like I'm in my early 20's! Even though I kind of wanted to avoid this birthday, I had a lot of people that helped to make my it special.

Dad and Mom came down the weekend before my birthday and we had a great time. Mom had put together 30 presents for my 30th birthday and made delicious and adorable cupcakes. She also cooked all weekend which was the best present of all!
My 30 presents
We also got to celebrate with 2 of my 3 college roomies (missed you, Melissa!). We met up at Cozymel's (so yummy) and then headed to Angela and Jason's after dinner. The girls got me a cake and we had a great time!
Piper is posing by a beautiful afghan that my mother-in-law made me for my birthday. I love it!